ER, Exercise with Radiation, is essential to get the most from the lamp. While I radiate, I stretch, and stretch, and stretch, all the way through the radiation period, to extend circulation to every corner of my body.

a calbindin
a phosphatase
a multinucleated macrophage, out looking for some calcium phosphate to consume

Calbindins, phosphatases, and multinucleated macrophages need circulation to find calcium phosphates and calcium phosphate deposits throughout the body. Stretching opens up neglected, calcified-over areas throughout the body that no longer enjoy good circulation. Once these vitamin D produced tools are in place and working, and/or multinucleated macrophages have surrounded an area full of accumulated calcium phosphate, they will spend the rest of the day, or the rest of the week, the next weeks or months(?), or for as long as it takes, breaking down and eliminating the deposit. Where there have been years of neglect, it will take time to ‘dig deep,’ to re-develop circulation in neglected areas, and to fully ‘root out’ accumulated calcium phosphate.

To assist and encourage the work of the calbindins, phosphatases, and multinucleated macrophages, the vitamin D tools, I follow each day’s stretching/radiation period with a period of exercising, six days a week. I enjoy a run on an elliptical every day, at least six days a week. I run long enough and hard enough to get my heart rate up and skin moist with sweat, to assist and encourage

-returning calcium ions to work in surrounding cells,

-returning phosphates directly back to circulation, and

-transferring larger chunks of broken up calcium phosphates from locations throughout my body to my colon for elimination.

– John Dalen