
Welcome to www.workoutD.com.

OVERVIEW:  Our bodies take nutrients, vitamins, and electrolytes from the food we eat, take water from what we eat and drink, take oxygen from the air we breathe, and carefully add them, along with a great number of protein products from our own organs, to circulating blood plasma.  The composition of plasma is so carefully controlled and so important to normal functioning that medical professionals extract it from us and keep it stocked universally in all medical facilities, all across the world, as an essential medicine. 

Plasma is the intravascular (‘inside’ blood vessels) part of extracellular (‘outside’ cells) fluid.  In the cardiovascular system half of the body’s circulatory system (the other half is the lymphatic system), the nutrients, electrolytes, water, oxygen, and protein products in plasma are pumped throughout the body and passed through pores in capillaries to extracellular space, outside blood vessels and outside cells.  Even in extracellular space blood pressure continues to push them by cells, to bath cells in a rich nutrient bath, nourishing, energizing, and activating cells.  

The plasma in extracellular space now simply extracellular fluid. When extracellular space is clean and clear, fully half of extracellular fluid routes to the lymphatic system, lymphatic veins and lymphatic nodes, for cleaning, and is called lymph. After cleaning it is returned to the circulatory system and becomes plasma again. The other half returns directly back to cardiovascular circulation.

For plasma, the time spent in extracellular space, where fluid flow is slower, creates an opportunity for calcium and phosphate electrolytes in plasma to combine, forming calcium phosphates.  Calcium phosphate formation occurs naturally throughout nature and also in our bodies in extracellular space; calcium phosphates are what bone and teeth are made of; outside bones and teeth, the calcium phosphates that spontaneously form stick to extracellular space surfaces, throughout the body and throughout the life of the surfaces they stick to. 

Hydroxyapatite rock (mostly naturally occurring calcium phosphate)
Large chunks of pure synthetic hydroxyapatite (another name for calcium phosphate), from 10 Ca (OH)2 + 6 H3PO4 → Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 + 18 H2O)
A microscopic view of crushed pure synthetic hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate), Pure hydroxyapatite has the formula Ca5(PO4)3OH.
Hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate) powder.

Calcium phosphates accumulate in extracellular space in our bodies, an ignored, under-described, or completely unrecognized problem, ignored or unrecognized because there has been very little anyone could do about it.  It is a problem that increases over time: cells come and go but calcium phosphates continue to accumulate.  Calcium phosphates remain a part of extracellular space until they are removed by vitamin D produced proteins that clean and clear extracellular space.  Calcium phosphates eventually give all the tissues in our bodies a bleached/whitened appearance, especially noticeable in X-rays.  As calcium phosphate accumulation progresses our organs and muscles suffer more and more loss of function.  And their cell surfaces become rough, stiff, and short-lived (the cells underneath the cell surfaces die prematurely).  Typically, we simply pass this off as aging, assuming there is little-to-nothing anyone can do to reverse the accumulation.

vitamin D

The proteins necessary to fix the problem of calcium phosphates accumulation have been present in our genes all along, only the large quantity of vitamin D necessary to produce the proteins in the large numbers needed to reverse calcium phosphate accumulation has been missing.  Now that vitamin D is here [lamp; how to use the lamp], vitamin D will make calbindins, phosphatases, and multinucleated macrophages, to handle the calcium phosphates problem.  Calbindins attach to the calcium ions in the calcium phosphates in extracellular space and move them to surrounding cells where they are put to work. Phosphatases split off the phosphates from the calcium phosphates and return them directly to circulation.  And, where there are large accumulations of calcium phosphates in extracellular space, circulating macrophages (prompted to action by RANK/RANKL proteins) combine and make themselves into multinucleated macrophages, to surround (using neoplastic or “new form” membrane), break up, dissolve, encapsulate, and transport away each calcium phosphate mass piece by piece.

A multinucleated macrophage looking for some calcium phosphate to consume.

Www.workoutD.com is a novel method of using a lamp that emits ultraviolet-B light to produce large amounts of vitamin D in skin [lamp].  It is also an exercise method to extend extracellular space calcium phosphate cleanup to every corner of the body [how to use the lamp].

Vitamin D, the most powerful of the steroid hormones, binds with its receptor in cells throughout the body, increasing the expression of genes that make proteins that clean and clear calcium phosphates from extracellular space, facilitating efficient nutrients and wastes exchanges at cells and laying the foundation for good physical fitness.

UVB (ultraviolet-B) LEDs (light emitting diodes) have been in the marketplace only since 2020. UVB LEDs produce ultraviolet-B light tuned to convert 7-dehydrocholesterol in skin to vitamin D.  The body activates and uses the vitamin D the lamp produces at a physiologically safe rate, to clean and clear the extracellular fluid in the extracellular space around cells throughout the body.  Now that the body is producing a large amount of vitamin D (up to an estimated 30,000 IU a day) with the help of the lamp, the body has what it needs to clean and clear extracellular space and build a complete and thorough physical fitness, physical fitness that starts at the body’s cells and builds up from there.  And, by cleaning and clearing extracellular space, vitamin D steadily increases the volume of extracellular fluid flowing into the lymphatic system, triggering the construction of an even larger lymphatic system, which results in stronger, quicker immune system responses, strengthening protection against threats to the body.

See also:

Ultraviolet B Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Are More Efficient and Effective in Producing Vitamin D3 in Human Skin Compared to Natural Sunlight | Scientific Reports (nature.com)

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency with UV light in patients with malabsorption syndromes: a case series – PMC (nih.gov)

Vitamin D | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University

John Dalen